Migrate from 13.0.1 to 22

I have inherited a server running Keycloak version 13.0.1. This server is currently in production and has multiple realms, clients, roles, and users. What advice would you give me to successfully migrate to version 22?

May be the discussion Upgrade Keycloak from 15.1.1 to 19.02 on Kubernetes with AWS RDS(Postgres) · keycloak/keycloak · Discussion #14682 · GitHub on Keycloak GitHub helps

It’s been posted a lot here, but I’ll suggest it again: Back up all your data and load onto a dev instance running the current version (13.0.1) with the configuration the same as your prod instance. Attempt to upgrade directly to 22. If it doesn’t work, upgrade one major version at a time (preferring the last minor version for each major version). This should help you avoid or isolate problems associated with trying to “skip” a large number of versions. If you encounter specific problems during that process, please post here.

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