OIDC with Jupyterhub

Hi All, We’ve had keycloak running in front of jupyterhub on kubernetes for some time now. After recently updating versions, we are now hitting the page not found screen. I have not changed a thing in the realm settings and have regenerated the client secret numerouse times now. Jupyterhub has not changed versions, so we are a bit confused on how to fix. We have taken the following realm steps:

  1. created realm
  2. created jhub client in the realm
  3. set client to confidential access and generated a client secret and client name
  4. provided the client secret and name into the already working jhub config
  5. verified within kubernetes the correct client secret and name
  6. verified all realm urls by testing the appropriate endpoints.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

Version 17 changed the default path of keycloak from /auth to /. Maybe this is the issue.

You can take a look at the url of the “page not found” and see if thats the case. Try removing the /auth part to see if that works.

If yes, you can either change jupyterhub to find keycloak in the new url or configure keycloak to use the old one.

See Migrating to Quarkus distribution - Keycloak

Thanks much welton. Unfortunately the change from /auth to / did not work. But i very much appreciate the effort :). I’ve looked at the recommended docs as well and am simply at a loss. I did install using the bitnami helm chart, so that is likely the issue.

What is the URL on the browser when you get a Error not found?