Specific data in keycloak is not persistent

Dear community, we have keycloak15 helm based depoymemt with 3 replics k8s pods and keycloak is using postges14.10 as an external database.

On one keycloak deployment, we have updated the keycloak frontend url with a new value, there after everying was working fine for the first 2days, however the front end url value got reverted to previous on its own on the 3rd day, becuse of the users could not login into application until we adjust to the desired front value. We see no issues with other configurations/data.

Similar to the above on another keycloak dployment, google client credentials are reverted to older values after 3-4 days, required to adjust again with the desired value, theee are no issue with the data/configuration.

Wat to know if anyone faced similarlar issues, ease let me know where to check to investigate the issue.

Please let me know is this has any assocition with keycloak cache?

Prior to observing the issue, we have recently deployed new external db instances and restored the data using postgres restore from older instance.

Thank you, looking foward for your inputs