Hi Guys,
New to Keycloak , wanted to know if there is a helm chart based deployment present for keycloak that can be deployed to a kubernetes cluster ? I did’nt find any installation via Helm chart under keycloak Documentation.
There is no official Helm chart from the Keycloak project itself. Only a K8s operator is available.
codecentric offers a very well maintained and customizable Helm chart at their GitHub account: helm-charts/charts/keycloakx at master · codecentric/helm-charts · GitHub
Thanks for info , what about Bitnami , i see they also have keycloak helm chart? Basically we are looking to run keycloak at Production grade on GKE clusters . Any suggestions for which one to choose ?
Also whats the difference between codecentric keycloak and keycloakx charts?
The keycloakx chart is for the Quarkus based distribution, since it needs other parameter at runtime.
Hey guys , what is the latest version that codecentirc deploys keycloak with . I see we have version 23+ in Keycloak . But the chart references version 17-legacy
See answer above your question and Codecentric vs bitnami, - #6 by dasniko
Hi, have you managed to get a char version that works with keycloak version24x?
None of the suggestions changed?
EIther the codecentric keycloakx chart or the bitnami chart.
Take a look at the repositories, at the issues, at the pull requests and make a decision which is in a better maintenance state.