Keycloak Theming - Legacy and React Compatibility

Hello Keycloak Community,

I’m currently working on customizing Keycloak themes and had a few questions:

  1. Legacy Theme Compatibility: Is it possible to continue using the older Keycloak theme with the latest Keycloak version? If yes, is there a timeline for when this might become deprecated?
  2. Theming Documentation: I’d like to know if there’s any documentation available on customizing Keycloak’s login and account themes, particularly using .ftl (Freemarker Template Language) files. Any tips or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
  3. React-Based Login Theme: Does anyone know if there’s a prebuilt Keycloak login theme designed specifically for React? Additionally, is there a way to add a “reset password” feature within a React-based theme?

In my environments, the (login-)themes work like before, no problems.
I don’t know of any deprecation timeline.

See resp. chapters in Server Developer Guide

Having a look into might be worth.