What version of helm chart does keycloak version 24.0.5 use?

sh “envsubst < helm/keycloak-values.yaml | helm install myitsupportus-keycloak-${myitsupportus_environment} codecentric/keycloak --version 21.4.1 --namespace myitsupportus -f -”

I’ve tried version 21.4.1 but this does not seem to work

Since your command is pointing to codecentric, it’s normal as they stopped maintaining their chart since last year: keycloak 18.4.4 · codecentric/codecentric.

I suggest you use another chart that stays up to date, like bitnami.

FYI: 21.4.1 is bitnami’s chart version for Keycloak 24.0.5 :wink:, not codecentric.

Thank you very much, yes i have used bitnami and it created the instance. would the path for the custom theme also be different
extraVolumeMounts: |

  • name: theme
    mountPath: /opt/keycloak/themes/mycustomtheme

The themes would go to /opt/bitnami/keycloak/themes/ and other extensions to /opt/bitnami/keycloak/themes/